Important Questions-

If your answers are "Yes"
Then check these steps
If you are all setup or not

Rename Login URL

Changing the login URL is very important. By default, the WordPress login page can be accessed easily via wp-login.php or wp-admin added to the site’s main URL. When hackers know the direct URL of your login page, they can try to brute force their way in. In this case we can change our admin login URL and set a strong URL.

OTP Login Verification

If you have 2 step verification setup even a hacker somehow hack your website username and password, they won’t be able to login without a code send to your email. While login to your website after entering the username and password one login code will be send to your email. No one can login to your website unless they enter the code.

Block Hacker's IP

A lock down feature for failed login attempts can solve the huge problem of continuous brute force attempts. Whenever there is a hacking attempt with repetitive wrong passwords, the site gets locked. IPs trying to brute force your website will be blocked for 15 minutes after 3 failed login attempts. After multiple lockouts the IP is blocked for 24 hours.

Logout Inactive Users

Users leaving wp-admin panel of your site open on their screens can pose a serious WordPress security threat. Any passerby can change information on your website, alter a person’s user account, even break your site altogether. You can avoid this by ensuring that your site logs people out after they have been idle for a certain period of time.

Copy Paste Protection

If you click on mouse right button on your website, you will see one option named “Inspect”. If you click on that option, you will see your website’s internal coding and files. Hackers use that tool to get inside of your website and get information. To prevent hackers you have to setup copy paste protection and disable mouse right click.

WP Website Backup

You must download your website backup in the server and also in your computer. If anything happened to your website by accident, you will be able to restore the backup and make your website live instantly. Otherwise if anything happened, you will lose your website and you have nothing to do.

Advanced WP Security

At last, we will check your website to ensure 100% security. We will use a popular software for that. This software will provide you report about your website security. If your website doesn’t have any issues, then the software will show you green signal and A+ rating. If your website still has any security issues, the software will show you red signal and Failed status. We will immediately solve the issues.

Install SSL Certificate

Implementing an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate is one smart move to secure the admin panel. SSL ensures secure data transfer between user browsers and the server, making it difficult for hackers to breach the connection or spoof your info.

Why Do Hackers Hack Websites?

How Can Hacking Hurt Business?

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